
Michigan NATOA Bylaws

(updated on November 2, 2012)


The name of the organization shall be Michigan Chapter of the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (NATOA).

ARTICLE 2. Michigan Chapter of the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors

Michigan Chapter of the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors is a professional organization of individuals serving citizens in the development, regulation and administration of cable television and other telecommunications systems. The purposes of this chapter are:

  1. Establishment and administration of a system for the sharing of information about cable and telecommunications issues and activities that impact local government
  2. Education and training: (1) to enhance the capability of members to resolve cable and telecommunications issues; (2) to improve the administration of cable television franchises and the use of cable systems by local government
  3. Support for public, educational, and governmental access services in Michigan communities
  4. Technical and informational assistance to the membership
  5. Research and statement of local government needs in the use, development and regulation of cable and telecommunications systems
  6. Providing a forum for open and balanced discussion and debate of communications issues
  7. Communication with other professional organizations for the overall improvement of communications services to the public
  8. Other services as determined by the membership.
ARTICLE 3. Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year for the Michigan Chapter of NATOA shall coincide with the fiscal year established by the national organization (January 1 through December 31).

ARTICLE 4. Membership
Section I. There shall be “Members” and “Associates”
  • Full Membership: Individuals who are elected, appointed, employed by or retained by a municipal or county government, or regional authority, or by a board, commission or consortium sanctioned by a municipal, county or regional authority, and who are engaged in the regulation, administration, or planning of cable and/or telecommunications.
  • Associates: Staff or volunteers affiliated with an organization or institution represented by a full member.
Section II. Member Privileges

Only full members elected, appointed, or employed by a municipal or county government, or regional authority, or by a board, commission or consortium sanctioned by a municipal, county or regional authority shall have voting rights in all committee and chapter activities.

Section III. Dispute

Any disputes over membership qualifications shall be resolved by a 2/3 vote of full members in attendance at a meeting of the chapter.

Section IV. Dues

The Michigan Chapter may establish or change membership dues by a vote of the membership in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 herein.

ARTICLE 5. Executive Board
Section 1. Officers

The Officers of the chapter shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Officers shall be full members.

Section II. Executive Board

The Executive Board shall consist of the officers and a full member-at-large, to be appointed by the Executive Board.

Section III. Election

Officers for the next fiscal year shall be elected by a majority vote of the full members in attendance at a chapter meeting in the final quarter of the current fiscal year.

Section IV. Terms

Terms of the officers shall be for one (1) year, coinciding with the fiscal year of the chapter.

Section V. Removal

Any officer may be removed by a 2/3 affirmative vote of the full chapter members in attendance at a meeting of the chapter, whenever, in its judgment the best interests of the chapter will be served by the removal.

Section VI. Vacancies

A vacancy in any office, because of death, resignation, removal or otherwise, may be filled for the unexpired portion of the term by appointment by the chapter president.

Section VII. President

The president shall be the principal executive officer of the chapter, and shall preside at all chapter meetings. The president shall have primary responsibility for external relationships and serve as chief spokesperson of the chapter.

Section VIII. Vice President

The vice president shall serve in the absence of the president and shall assist the president as needed.

Section IX. Secretary

The secretary shall keep the minutes of chapter meetings, see that notices are given according to the bylaws, ensure that the chapter web site is updated, and be custodian of the official records of the chapter.

Section X. Treasurer

The treasurer shall oversee all funds and financial records of the chapter, and shall provide to the membership quarterly financial reports at the close of each fiscal quarter and an annual financial report at the close of the fiscal year.

ARTICLE 6. Meetings

Meetings of the chapter shall be held at times and locations designated by the president, and to the extent possible meetings shall be rotated throughout the jurisdictions of the full members. These meetings shall be held for the purposes and objectives of the chapter as set forth in these bylaws, for the conducting of elections, and for other business that may arise. At least four meetings shall be held each fiscal year.

ARTICLE 7. Committees
Section I. Standing Committees

The Executive Board shall have the power to establish and dissolve standing committees and the power to appoint the members and chairpersons of such committees.

Section II. Special and/or Ad Hoc Committees

The Executive Board shall have the power to establish and dissolve special and/or ad hoc committees and the power to appoint the members and chairpersons of such committees.

ARTICLE 8. Quorum
Section 1. Chapter Meetings

A simple majority of those members in attendance at any meeting of the chapter shall be sufficient for the transaction of business at that meeting.

ARTICLE 9. Amendment of Bylaws and Establishment or Change of Membership Dues

These bylaws may be amended by the affirmative vote of 2/3 of the full chapter members in attendance at any chapter meeting. Copies of proposed by-law amendments to be voted on at a chapter meeting shall be provided to the members no less than 14 days prior to the meeting.

Membership dues may be established or changed by the affirmative vote of 2/3 of the full chapter members in attendance at any chapter meeting. The proposed dues to be voted on at a chapter meeting shall be provided to the members no less than 14 days prior to the meeting.